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Teaching & Learning

Independent Schools Queensland’s (ISQ) advocates for excellence in teaching and learning in every classroom to ensure students can achieve their full potential, regardless of their background or personal circumstances.

ISQ supports member schools to implement evidence-based practices that improve student outcomes. The suite of learning, teaching and leading programs help to empower educators while building quality teaching practices and improving student outcomes.


This portfolio of programs is designed to support educators as they become leaders of professional learning in their own school context.


This portfolio of programs is designed to support schools to develop the systems and structures needed to embed processes and practices to lead teacher improvement.


This portfolio of programs is designed to support schools as they become learning institutions. Teams will develop and enact context-specific improvement agendas, focused on student outcomes, underpinned by inquiry.

Great Teachers in Independent Schools is funded through the Advancing Teaching and Learning Program for Non-State Schools 2018-2021.

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