Quality teaching leads to supported students and improved student outcomes. Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ) offers member schools across the state support and access to a wide array of professional learning and development programs, tools and resources to develop and build their teaching staff’s capacity, including:
- professional learning, online community spaces, learning programs and resources for schools to successfully deliver the curriculum
- information and support to implement effective, evidence-based performance and development processes that contribute to the growth and development of every teacher
- tailored leadership programs based on individual development needs.
Wider professional support
As well as offering tools to build teacher capacity, ISQ produces a range of professional learning, online community spaces, and accompanying resources for member schools, covering:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
- Artificial Intelligence in Education
- Disengaged Students
- Educational Leadership
- English as a Second Language
- International students
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Senior assessment and tertiary entrance
- Teacher Growth and Development
- Vocational Education Training.