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Supporting Queensland's Thriving Independent School Sector

State Election 2024

August 2024

Independent schools form a key part of the education landscape in Queensland and sit alongside State and Catholic schools in contributing to Queensland society and the safety, learning and wellbeing of all children.

ISQ believes strongly in the need for choice and diversity in the Queensland education system. Parents have the right to choose a school that aligns with their values and meets the needs of their child. Independent schools are best placed to respond to their school communities and should be supported to do this.

To be successful, independent schools need governments at all levels to support choice and diversity in education through appropriate funding and enabling regulation. 

Over the past two decades, enrolments in the Queensland independent sector have grown by more than 75%. In 2024, More than 147,000 students are now enrolled in Queensland’s independent schools, accounting for nearly 17% of all Queensland school students.

Queensland Government Statistician Office data, backed up by ISQ’s own independent analysis shows there will be approximately 100,000 additional school aged children in Queensland over the next two decades. 

In this context, parent demand for independent schooling will only continue to build over the coming years.

That is why ISQ’s election statement is focused on three key areas where appropriate government support and regulation will be critical in enabling the independent sector to grow and flourish across the state.

Read: ISQ State Election Statement

Read: ISQ State Election Key Recommendations

You can also read the Queensland Independent Schools Parents Network Election Statement here

Authorised by:
Christopher Mountford
Chief Executive Officer
Independent Schools Queensland
Level 7, 189 Grey Street, South Brisbane Qld 4101

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